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40 Messages Posted
Posted 1-11-02
Paul Thompson, Security Police, 68 - 70
I was at Clark Air Base from late 68 to mid 70 and I was a Security Police Officer. The unit I was in was called I&R, aka, "The Red Patch". I am looking for anybody that remebers the red patches, or anyone who knows anyone from the old unit. If so, please contact me at my e-mail address. Thanks... from an old Red Patch.
Posted 1-15-02
Leon D. Shultz (Corky), USAF Msgt Ret, 72 - 79
Great site, I was stationed at CAB from July 72 to June 79. Worked in the AMS PMEL Lab near the flight line. Would love to hear from any of the Lab folks still out their. I know several retired in the PI, but have not heard any news since the base closed. Thanks
Posted 2-9-02
Danny Weddle, 1961 Comm. Sqd. A2C, 61 - 63
I am seeking to contact anyone stationed at Clark Air Base from 1961-1963 or anyone who was a member of the Clark Field Church of Christ.
Posted 2-16-02
Pete Zettek, 1986 - 1990
I was a cop. I worked for Trans as a mechanic (VCC) shop. Hey everyone...did you notice when you tell stories about the PI only folks that were there really believe you. It got to the point were I don't tell my stories to the younger troops. When I come across a VET, we talk our old stories. It was a magical time. I didn't run the girls down at the bars. I met a nice girl at an art gallery, she is my wife. I enjoyed everything else the PI had to offer. It was still a magical time for me. I'm stationed in Guam now. I PCS in June 02. Only a couple years left. Trying to go to Japan. Probably end up in MINOT (Why not?) Hey, did anyone hear? My in-law told us that there is a huge Veterans Hospital going up just outside the base, in the old Plaridel area I think. Hey, retiring in the PI may be possible now. If anyone knows me, talk to me baby.
Posted 3-3-02
David Parsons, 84 - 89
Was Stationed at Clark from December 1984 to Jan 1989. Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) Specialist in the 3 CRS and 3 AGS. I've managed to keep in touch with a few friends but would like to hear from anyone else that was in either squadron during the same time.
Posted 3-22-02
James Maxwell, 84 - 86 and 89 - 91
I was stationed at Clark with the 3rd LES from Apr 84 - Oct 86. I worked on Belcher's flight. I went back to Beale AFB, CA and then returned to "The Outcast's" of Camp O'Donnell, AS/Crow Valley Bombing Range complex from Jan 89- Pinatubo. I miss all my old friends from both places and have been able to keep in touch with some. It was the best of times!!!
Posted 4-7-02
Andy Korff, 3rd AGS Blue Section, Electrics troop, 1988-1991
Hey to all the blue section AGS aircraft maintainers out there who knew me! F-4s rule ! PHantoms PHorever ! Clark was my first base and it corrupted me to no end. 11 years later and I've been back to AC 11 times with plans to retire there in 5 years... WooHoo! If you were in blue section Spec, APG or Weapons flight from 88-91, drop me a line. Would love to talk to ya!
Posted 4-11-02
Halberg, A1C, Regional Medical Center, 81-82
I never would have imagined that I would miss the PI so much after the anguish that the assignment gave me. I miss the closeness and family ties that I felt with all of my fellow wild "dorm rats". I lived in the new barracks, along with my best friend Lisa Armbrust, who I am trying to locate. I miss you Jeff Beemer, Steve Nelson, Grathell Poage, Tiny Robeson, Steve Cardinal, Gene Freeman, Angie, Derek Porter, Al Stefanovich, Ben Keplinger, Jesse, John Kurash, Frank DuFour, Randy Ashmore, Vicki...and so many others. I never married Jeff Lynn, the Navy guy I was engaged to, but to this day he remains close to my heart and I truly believe, my soul mate. Lisa...if you are out there, PLEASE get in touch! I want to organize a reunion! Anybody interested? Does anybody remember Randy, the Navy Liason/Corpsman for the Hosp? I would desperately love to get in touch with him. Anybody that was part of the RMC during this time, please contact me. I miss you all...and hey...God bless the red, white and blue!
Posted 4-23-02
Mike Manion, A 1/C, 58 - 60
I was in the 6200 FMS during late 58, 59 and early 60 at Clark. Worked in the Textile / Parachute shop w/sgt Epley. Clark was good duty and made a lot of good friends with civilians who worked in the shop and military who are now probably spread all over the US. Hitchcox, Tarleton, Zabo, Drennen and so many others. Our CO was James Kuba and Adj, was a Lt. Walker from Durham N.C.. Saw Bagiuo, Manila (often), Corregidor and many other places. This is a great site. If any one was in the squadron at that time, I'd like to hear from you. Remember the Rotunda (spelling) cafe and beer place. Still have my Christmas card from the owners.
Posted 4-27-01
SSgt Joe Monday, 3rd Supply Sq, 83 - 87
My name is Joe Monday and I was a SSgt stationed at Clark AB from 83-87. Those were then, and will always be, the best years of my life. I've returned to AC almost every year since I left with plans to take another trip this summer. I would like to get in touch with anyone who was assigned to the 3rd Supply Sq during the time I was there (military or civilian). I worked in the Bench Stock Element with Brian Schultz, Clark Frimiar, Jun Laquindanum, Beth Lapus, Frank Calhoun, Rick King, Calvin Daniels and others. Also anyone interested in hooking up for a return trip this summer shoot me an e-mail. There's safety in numbers.
Posted 5-5-02
SSgt David and SRA Adrianne Gilbert, 89 - 91
3rd Law Enforcement / 3rd Transportation / LGTO Squadrons
Looking for co-workers and friends!!! Anyone remember either of us please email us. David was known as G-BERT and I was called THE Profile Queen!!! (I was pregnant for the first 6 months we arrived).
I worked the dispatch office with a TSGT Robinson. Would love to know how he is doing. As well as al the young airMEN who got their first taste of enjoyment of the oppposite sex at Clark downtown!!!! Which seemed to be the shop talk every monday as well as scheduling a test at the public health clinic....lmao!! Anyway would love to hear from old friends. Take care all!!!
Posted 5-13-02
Beef Seehusen, 2876 Geeia Squadron, 67 - 69
My name is Beef Seehusen, I served in the 2876 Geeia Squadron from 1967 to 1969. I was a ground radio equipment installer. I am working on a reunion in 2003. Is their any intrest? I have made contact with Ken Lutz, Mike Konkle, John Palda and NasonBower. I am looking for Robert Meyer from Pennsylvania, Bobby Nodine, Alfredo Thomas Rivas, Tommy Wayne Allmon, Don McLean, the Canadian, Mike Riefsnyder, William McManus, and Ronald Monzo, Brian Kassel, and many more. Lets get together. This is a great site. It gave me the goosebumps seeing the pictures of the base. If interested please email.
Posted 5-27-02
David Redman, Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, 63 - 64
Feb 1963 - Aug 1964. I was a Newscaster on Channel 8 and dj on AM radio (1520 Club) and other shows. Duty section was under Major Dove and the base Public Information Office. We were a small unit within the 405th Fighter Squadron and moved, as I recall, eleven times in about 18 months. The buildup in Vietnam was underway and the base population was increasing faster than facilities could handle the growth. Have a good interior photo of the Airman's Club (Coconut Grove) from 63 or 64 if anyone would like me to e-mail it to them.
Posted 6-13-02
William "Jeff" Lucas (Sgt. Gripless), Aug 85 - Apr
3rd AGS, Spec. Flt, WCS
Hey to all the members of the Big Blue Screw! Let me know you're out there.
Posted 6-19-02
Bill Henderson, AGE (Aerospace Ground Equipment), 84- Evacuation
374th FMS, 374th MAC ALCE, 3rd EMS
Any AGE folks out there?
Posted 6-24-02
Robert D Wallace, Cpl (A2c), 1952 through 1954
A/C Rep. Sq. and 24th A/C Equip. Rep. Sq. (Elect Shop)
I am interested in hearing from any one that served in these outfits.
Posted 6-26-02
Alexander, 86 - 88
I am looking for Eva Ramos, and Elisa Claros. Also a dancer named Devencia.
Posted 8-7-02
Wayne M. Rupard, 58 - 61, 63 - 65, 68 - 73
I was assigned to the 6925th RSM from Jul 58 - Sep 61. Was a Ditty Bop on "B" Flight. Ran around with Ron Weaver, Ron Teets, Warren and Bob Benton, Frank Beeker, Dick Jung, Mike MacCarone, Glen Felkins, Jim Combs, and Bob Bulson. I remember the flight trips to Baguio, Dugupan City, Pasay City, San Miguel Brewery, and any other place worth going. I started to run the block and the Rotunda and Esting's Kiosk were always my first stop. After a few San Miguel's there, then it was time to make the rounds to several other bars like, Tarzan's, Clams, Lenney's, Macambo, the Hub, Mayflower, Majestic, Town Club and of course Mama Julie's. Mama always had the best fried rice, pancit, and chicken adobo in town. She would let you run a tab as long as you paid her on payday. It also seems that when you went to Mama Julie's you could always find someone from the 25th. Got married in Dec 60 so I was assigned to the Orderly Room until I left. Made two more trips to the PI, one from 63-65 assigned to 13th AF and lived on 13th Street in New Balibago, and the last one from 68 to 73 assigned to 3 different squadrons that time. Have not been back since. Retired from the AF 1 Aug 79 and went to work for Civil Service. I was and instructor in the Morse System School, still at Thomson Hall, same hallway, from Jul 82 - Jul 86. They closed the school in Feb 87 and moved it to Ft Devins, Mass. It has moved again to Ft Huachuca, Arizona. You don't find many of the old 6925th guys around.
Posted 8-15-02
Phil Scholten, SSgt, Security Police, 1968 - 1969
I arrived at Clark in February 1968 assigned to 636 Security Police Squadron, shortly after that changed to 6200 Security Police Squadron. Many memories, most good some bad. I was assigned to the Law Enforcement Section. Very good friend on the Security Police Mounted Horse Patrol was killed there in September 1968, that's the bad part. I worked Town Patrol and Desk Sgt. as well as regular base patrol. Left Clark in July 1969. Left many friends behind military as well a Filipino. I am 55 years old and have done many things in my life, but for some reason Clark stands out above the rest.
Posted 8-16-02
John Schobelock, S/Sgt, 1950 - 1951
I was at Clark from March 1950 to June 1951, worked at Clark Airways and Tower. Then on to Korea, K-2 as an Air Traffic Controller. Found several old friends and would like to hear from more. Now living Chillicothe, Ohio.
Posted 8-16-02
George Becker, 1957 - 1959
My name is George Becker, I was an A/2C on my first tour at Clark and an A1C on the second tour, one from 1957-59 in the 26th FIS as a radar mech., 32251D, and the second tour with the 64th FIS, from Paine Field to Clark to Danang, as a crew chief 43151C. Would be interested in anyone stationed in these Squadrons, especially at these particular times.
Posted 8-18-02
Patrick Reagan, "Papa Romeo", 1984 - 1988
Senior Airman, 1961st ISG Air Traffic Control, RAPCON. Would like to hear from other controllers that were there from 84 - 88.
Posted 8-22-02
A2C Richard A. McDaniel, 405th FMS, Propeller Specialist, Oct
1962 - March 1964
If anyone who was stationed in the 405 FMS during that time who knows the where abouts of A1C David Bennett whose last known address was RT 1 Lisbon,Lousiana.please contact me through my e-mail. Also I am looking for anyone who was a member of the Demolay or a member of the Masonic Lodge during this period of time. I had always planned to return for a visit but now it is too late to go back and see It again.
Posted 8-25-02
Stanley Marion Lever, 1964 - 1966
Hello, My name is Maria (Lever) Seybert. My father was Stanley Marion Lever and was stationed at Clark AB somewhere between 1964-1966. Although he made it through his ETS He was killed shortly after I was born and I am seeking information on his unit and his friends to try and get a feel for who he was ......Just trying to find out information so that I might find out Who I am in him. I would appreciate any information you could give....especially if you knew him...I believe he was the equivelant to E4 but not sure. I know that he worked as a mechanic and pulled the generators that crank the airplane engines out onto the runway.... When he left Clark he went to Nakhon Phanom RTAFB in Thailand. He married the daughter of a three star General in the Thai/American Army by the last name of Khantaruchi. He went to basic at Lackland AFB in Texas and while at Clark took TDY frequently to Udorn or Ubon AFB in Thailand.
Posted 8-28-02
Sean Coley A1C, 3rd AGS Crew Chief, 1987
I was only there for one year but It had a lasting impression. 14 years happily married to a wonderful Fhilipina. Im looking for Ivan Fry, Crew Chief, 3rd AGS Blue Screw and Kevin Rodriguez, Crew Chief, 90th Pair O Dice.
Posted 8-30-02
Chuck Brooks, "Brooksie", 3AGS/3AMU, 1987 - 1989
I was stationed at Clark AB from I was a Crew-dog on acft 71-1089, 1392, and 1203, I posted a story not long ago, and have been getting some responses from former friends and aquaintances... slowly I am building up a data base of e-mails and would liketo get ahold of all the people I can who were there during that time.. it doesnt matter who you are or if you were a BB-stacker or a Box changer or a WCS.. please contact me... If possible I will find the exact geological center of the US, and with assistance .. maybe we could have a reunion. Thanks
Posted 9-13-02
Larry Schwartz, Sgt. E-4, 374 TAW C-130's Aircrew
Life Support, 1974- 1976
I would like to hear from my old buddies from the 374 TAW maybe get together in a reunion. Contact me.
Posted 9-15-02
Greg Freed, Sgt, 554th RED HORSE, 88-90
While TDY to Clark for a total of a year, I worked on the construction of the new small arms firing range and the aircraft revetments on the flight line. Looking for any other RED HORSE troops out there. Drop me an email.
Posted 9-20-02
Dennis Rankin
My name is Dennis Rankin. I am looking for a friend of mine named Dale Clark Retired Air Force at Clak Air Base. Lived in Angeles City area and owned a bar called Hobo. Wives name was Marie and son's name was Budda. I now live at: 102 N. Fairground Str., Liberty, IN 47353
Posted 10-5-02
R. (Frenchie) Desharnais, 1968 - 1969
Stationed At Clark 1968 - 1969. Transfered from Keflavic (Iceland). What a change in weather. No bars on Fields Ave at that time. Navy bar was Casanova Bar on McCarther Hwy. Band played anchors away whenever Navy personel would walk in. really pissed of the Air force. Now living in NH in the summer and In Angeles (PI) in winter.
Posted 10-7-02
Dale Pelser Msgt, Ret., 1972 - 1974, 1978 - 1980
I was at Clark from 1972 thru 1974. And again from 1978 thru 1982. I was in the 374th first and then the 3rd TAC fighter wing. If anybody knows me pls reply.
Posted 10-11-02
Jay B. Bigornia, TSgt, May 1981 - Nov 1982
26th Tactical Fighter Training Agressor Squadron
My first duty assignment was at Clark from 1981 to 1982 and met many friends who've made a big difference in my life. I haven't seen anyone since then and I'm preparing to retire after 22 years. Just wanted to say thanks especially to Paul L. Gelsinger Jr. (don't know if he's still alive), MSgt (ret.) who was our flight chief then. Back then, I was known as "Mr. Big" or "Biggie." I hope to hear from anyone else who served in the aggressor squadron around that time.
Posted 10-18-02
Jim Peters, 1947
- 1949
Was at Clark 47-49,attached to 38th Recon, a mapping outfit. Although in the medics and worked a hospital ward, and amb driver for a time, went to photo school there. In 1948 (?) a deadly hurricane nearly devasteted the base (and Manila), destroying the mess hall, and we enjoyed the menu change with rations for three days. Quonset hut living was easy then, the weather being acceptable year round, but, oh, them *#* skeeters! Wonder if anyone from the 38th could drop a line? I recall John Weather-ford of Essex, Maryland. Went to lineman school in Japan. Jim Wren. Ah, yes, and the 1129th MPs.
Posted 10-22-02
Willie M Courtney, SSg E-5, 2 Air Rescue Squandron, 1949 - 1950
Would like to get a message from any one in the 2nd ARS.
Posted 10-25-02
Michael Scribner, 1982 - 1985
My name is Michael Scribner, SK1,USN (Ret). I was a sailor working at Navy ATCO, from FEB 82 - FEB 85, at the MAC Terminal. At the time, I was an SK2 (E-5), and I am trying to find two people, if anyone can help. They are A!C? Partridge, who worked at PAX Reservations. All I can remember is that he was originally from Maine (my home state) and the other is Staff Sageant William (Bill) Macken (not sure of the spelling). He played softball, both on and off base. Also was a crewman on C130's and lived in Diamond Subdivision, Catlea Street. He was my Best Man when I got married at the Justice of the Peace at the gate. Also looking for pictures of the hospital during that time. My daughter was born there and I want to show her the place where she was born. If anybody can help me, I would appreciate it.... Phone 619-887-1550 Cell 619-423-3643 (San Diego area), CA.
Posted 11-03-02
Jesmer Steven C TSgt 62 CES/CET, 86 - 89
Was at Clark 86 - 89, assigned to the 374th APS. Looking to here from anyone who remembers all the good times.
Posted 11-04-02
Roger Aderholdt jr. A1C, 405th FMS Electric Shop
I remember Clark as the best assignment I had during my enlistment. Enjoyed every minute of it. It would be great hearing from anyone who was stationed there at that time. I still remember everyone's name who was assigned to that shop and wonder where they may be today. I was there from March of 1973 until July of 1974.
Posted 11-09-02
Michael Haston, Sgt E-4 3rd Services Squadron, April '76-June'77
Great site. I worked in the on base and off base furniture housing section. I made sure (as an escort) that everybody's furniture arrived when and where it should. It would be fantastic to hear from my old pals TSgt. Robert Watts, Sgt. Richard Minich, TSgt. Logan, A1C Brenda Menerie, Sgt. Dave Peourout, or A1C Tee White. We had to have had one of the best jobs at Clark. We got to meet most of the people at Clark, all of whom had something interesting going on. So many memories, so long ago. Still sometimes it's like only yesterday. That was part of the magic about being there. Thanks again.
Posted 11-11-02
Dan Pinkerton, Sgt, 84-88
We were stationed at Kadena AB in the 80's. We did Cope Thunder many times and miss the days at Clark AB and especially the Tropicanna Club. We worked in support of the RF-4C at Kadena, members of the 418th AGS or known as The SkullBandits, we created a yahoogroup for our get together on the net, please come! Our URL is : ..... Thanks!
Posted 12-15-02
John A. Jaczko A3c, 405 AP K-9 Section, 1963-1965 (i think),
I am looking to make contact with anyone who worked with or knew my father for an informal family biography I am putting together for dad as a gift. Any stories, referrals or photographs would be appreciated. Thank you. Lisa Jaczko
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