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A list of those that attended Wurtsmith Elementary School.
Year Attended, Your Name
Grades Attended:
Email Address:
Home Page:1956 1957, Larry W. Quickel
Grades Attended: 6th
Email Address: lquickel@comcast.net
Home Page: N/A1957 - 1960, Wallace (Wally) Christina Jr.
Grades Attended: 5th - 6th.
Email Address: hawkeye138@onewest.net
Home Page: N/A1958 - 1960, Donna "Walls" McCrary
Grades Attended:
Email Address: capsdonna1@aol.com
Home Page: N/A1962 - 1963, Michelle "Shelley" Killen
Grades Attended:
Email Address: shelldoll@aol.com
Home Page: N/A1969 - 1970, Mark Taylor
Grades Attended:
Email Address: 4inokc@sbcglobal.net
Home Page: N/A1971 - 1973, Claudette (Wallace) Phelps
Grades Attended:
Email Address: parsnip213@yahoo.com
Home Page: N/A1973 - 1977, Bob Anderson
Grades Attended:
Email Address: 5150gizmo@dslextreme.com
Home Page: http://www.GlamisSandDunes.com1976 - 1979, Justin A. Ramsey
Grades Attended:
Email Addresss: mail@ramsey.cc
Home Page: www.ramsey.cc1981 - 1984, Paul Bright
Grades Attended: 3rd - 4th - 5th
Email Address: pbrite@hotmail.com
Home Page: N/A1987 - 1989, Tamara J. Wright
Grades Attended:
Email Address: Tamara_Wright@doh.state.fl.us
Home Page: N/A1988 - 1991, Veronica (Williams ) Lanier
Grades Attended:
Email Address: vml54@cox-internet.com
Home Page: N/A1989 - 1991, Ryan Lavadia
Grades Attended:
Email Address: P17oy2Luv@aol.com
Home Page: N/A1990 - 1991, Miranda Mechlty
Grades Attended:
Email Address: Myraeor@yahoo.com
Home Page: N/A
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