If there is anything
that you would like to have posted on this page, please send the
WEBMASTER an email and by placing in the subject line... "ITEM SEEKING - CLARK"
and the information or items you are looking for in the body of
your email. Thanks!
I wonder if
you can tell me if Dwight Eisenhower ever had a 1959 Lincoln
Continental on that base. My boss has a car that allegedly
belonged to Eisenhower and he is looking to sell the car. It has
a Clark Air Base sticker in the center of the windshield. Ckick
on photos to see car and decal. It has the number '1561' in the
center of the decal.
I was a
dependent at Clark in 1966-67 and again from 1971 to 1973, but my
query is really historical. I would like to know why Crow Valley
was called Crow Valley and if the name was in use prior to World
War II. Thanks.
Meixsel (Wagner High, `73)
I am looking
for information on the 1 Test Squadron active at Clark AFB 15 Oct
1969 - 30 Oct 1991. Detachment 9 at Vandenberg AFB is
being reorganized and is standing up a new squadron named the 1
Air and Space Test Squadron. We are trying to track the
lineage of the original 1 Test Sq and I came across your
website. Do you have any information or contacts that could
help us identify such information as mission involvement,
patches, shields, traditions, commanders. We would like to
have this history represented in our squadron heritage.
Please respond with any information or direction that you may
have regarding our search.
2Lt Scott
M. Tyley
IFTTLV Test Program Manager Assistant
1515 Iceland Ave. Suite 2, Vandenberg AFB, CA 93437
Phone: (805) 866-3760 Fax: (805)
606-8168 Cell: (805) 588-8870
My Dad was stationed at Clark AFB from 1946 to 1947...during the
rebuilding of the base. Mom tells me he set-up and ran the
club there (don't know if it was NCO or Officers)! His
papers...(he passed away Christmas Day 1999) ...say he was with
the 72nd Air Service Group, 313th Bomb Wing. His MOS is listed as
Bombardier (1035). He always told me he was a Navigator on
a B-29...maybe on the trip over...or (?) but he entered the Army
Air Corp in 1943 and separated in 1947. One lady sent me
information that he had been to training at Camp Kearns in
Utah? Just trying to put it together. He never really
talked about it much. Just looking to see if I could locate
anyone that might have been at Clark AFB during that time period
and knew Dad...or has photos! I have attached some photos
of him that I have found in family photo albums. His name
was: Edwin J. Stanton, most people called him "Joe" or
"Stan." Thanks for any help you may give me.
Here for Photos of my Dad
Cathy lou
(Stanton) (HOLM), Huntsville, Texas
I am trying to locate information on the mission and types &
frequency of vehicle and aircraft maintenance conducted at the
base. This is for a university project - Any assistance is
Noel, Gina
I'm interested to learn from someone in the area about economic
and industrial developments happening at present on the site of
the former Clark Air Base, particularly those related to the
production of microfactories for producing WorldStar vehicles for
international shipments. Can anyone describe the state of affairs
on the grounds regarding the soon-to-be-producing facility??
Gil Hedley,
Ph.D., USA
I'm looking for anyone that might have a ball park idea about the
functional state of the family housing units on base from the
80's till pinatubo. Specifically, when there might
have been renovations going on and how was it done? On a
recent visit there, I couldn't recognize most of the housing that
was on the hill, but that was mainly because they had undergone
some structural changes and not because of any damage or foliage
covering them. One are East of Clark Ave on the hill from
35th - 45th places looked like they were in the middle of being
rebuilt when they were abandoned. Was that true?
Where might I be able to find this kind of info? Thanks!
Mike Ward
At Clark from '64-66 and Re-visited Nov '00
I am looking for information pertaining to what happened to the
EC-47's that were ferryed to Clark late in the summer and early
fall from NKP in Thailand (I left NKP just prior to this after we
installed the extra tanks for the flight). I have been told these
aircraft were put on the auction block while at Clark, I would
like to have that confirmed by anyone who was on the base at this
time. I looking into the disposition of AN009 an aircraft I had
the privilage of crewing for a short period of time. Any help on
this matter would be appreciated.
Guy Plumley
N9XBG (NKP 73-74 Udorn 74)
My Dad was stationed at Clark Air Force base in 9/1967. I
graduated from Wagner High school in fact, in 1968. Today I find
out that Dad was flying missions related to Viet Nam. I
never knew that! He never told us that. I was a senior in high
school having a NORMAL TEENAGE LIFE! He said he flew over 66
missions. He was with the 13th Air Force and they flew
troops back and forth from Thailand and carried the payroll and
supplies to them. I can't seem to find out anything about this on
the web....and I am pretty good at searching!! He mentioned
four F102's and air defense in the conversation. Can anyone send
me links about these operations? I am writing a book about
my Dad, who is 77 yrs old. He retired LT COL, 30 yrs @1970?
He was a navigator. "William Morris Jones"
Please write me if you can assit me in this search for material for my book, as DAD does not to talk too long or too much. He grew tired of my questions. Thanks
My husband Sgt. James Neal Pipes USMC, was mugged in the
Philippines the wee hours of the 22Nov85 while in route, via
local taxi, to Clark Air Force Base. Neal was delivering a
aircraft part necessary to repair a plane for flight. Neal
original departure was from Kadena Airforce Base in Okanawa
on a C141. He landed in the Philippines whereby he sought
out the first available transport. The taxi took him to an
alley whereby, he fell prey to bodily harm resulting in a
coma. The information he can remember is sparse therefore, we are trying to
find anyone who remembers any part of this injury to
provide testimonial evidence for a VA disability claim
To elaborate more on Neal's memory he remembers riding in a Jeep
and being literally dumped off at the Gates of Clark Air Force
Base. Thereby a Brigg van (only transport available to
carry him) carried him to a facility for him to rest. He
got a key to the door then passed out. The next thing he
remembers is being in a hospital setting and he feels sure it is
Clark Air Force Base still. He then passed out again
whereby, waking up in Subic Bay Hospital. The only
testimony so far, that we have documented is from Sgt. Robert
Morris who claims to have visited Neal in the hospital. In
his letter he states that he is surprised Neal survived at all as
he was in the hospital for a week and in a coma for several
days. Neal has suffered many health issues related directly
to this incident therefore, I implore you to assist in any way
shape or form. There are several obstacles in our
J. Neal
Pipes, Jr. or Sheri Pipes, 7 Tomahawk Drive, Damascus, AR,
72039 or Phone: 501-335-7020
There was a second cemetary on Clark west of Wagner High School
on the way to the rifle range. This was very old and I regret I
never stopped to check it out. Does anyone have any information
on that cemetary? I was at Clark 68-69 Security Police.
Scholten Former SSgt
I am searching for an African-American man named Henry Turner who
was stationed at Clark AFB around 1951. I would appreciate
any information at all about him, especially what unit he was
assigned to. He was possibly a Tech Sargent at the
time. He was my father.
am looking for information for my father, US Army Sgt Vasco
E Rodrigues. He was in Vietnam and caught malaria in June of
1969. He was transported to Clark Air Force Base Hospital.
I need his records to prove he had malaria. If any one can help
me help my Father, please contact me. Thank You very much. God
Bless all the Vets, and all who served our wonderful
I've got a
problem and I'm at wits end trying to run down information on me
and my outfit at Clark. I've got a disability case opened with
the VA and no one is able to find records of my flights into
Vietnam during my years in the Phillipines. In fact I had a hard
time proving I was at Clark. My son was born there in July of
1967 so one of us had to be there!!!
I was assigned to the 29th Troop Carrier Squadron from March 1966
to October 1967. We flew C-130s ferrying troops and cargo all
over Vietnam. Many missions carried dead and wounded; many others
carried troops on R&R to Bangkok, the Phillipines, etc.
Does anyone know a way you could track down old flight orders or
manifests from that period? Any help anone might be able to give
would be greatly appreciated. If you need more information on me,
just email. Thanks!
John A.
Ron Bonner here, MSGT USAF ret. I lived at Clark early
60's, went to high school , my Dad was stationed in 405th
squadron with F-102 aircraft circa '61-63. Anyway, there
was also some sort of weather squadron at Clark during that time,
would anyone happen to know what the name of that squadron was in
early 60's? Great site and appreciate any info you might be able
to pass.
Ron Bonner
My family was in the Philippines, at Clark A.B., from
1969-1971. My sisters and I used to play the Philippine
version of Mancala. We bought a board and brought it back
to the states with us, but somehow lost it. I wanted to
know if anyone has one they would like to sell, or knows of a
website I could go to and buy one.