405th Munitions
Maintenance - Check-In List
Clark Air Base
The following check-ins are categorized, first by year served, name, duties and email address (optional).
To check
in, please place 405th Munitions Checkin within the subject line of your
Then in the body of the letter place Year(s), Name, Rank, Duties
and Email Address.
Year(s), Your Name
Email Address:1961 - 1962, Mack M. Gaut, A2C
Munitions Specialist 46150 / Service Club Commando
gautmac@earthlink.net1965 - 1966, Klugherz Richard E A2C
Weapons Mechanic
rich1694@prodigy.net1972 - 1973, Ronald Gurney A1C
Missile Maintenance Specialist 31651L, Airborne Missile Electronics Specialist
rgurney@adelphia.net1972 - 1973, John Welling, Airman First Class
Loaded munitions on flight line
carbuff@forcomm.net1973 - 1974 Jerry Gapol, A1C
Weapons Release Shop, 46250 Weapons Mechanic
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